ADULT Discipleship

Small Groups

A small group is an opportunity for individuals to grow in their faith and relationship with God by spending time with others engaged in conversation, study, service, and fellowship. The hope is that Christian friendship will develop and our love of God will grow. You spend time with others talking and hanging out! There is no curriculum, the groups choose what to do. You might read a book together, or you might reflect on the sermon each week, or you might read scripture together. And, we also eat together, play together, and pray together.

Adult small groups

If you would like to join a small group or would like more information, contact Rev. Christian White at who can help you discern which group would be best for you.

Tuesday Morning Bible Study

Retired adults

Anne Wilson


In Person

Practical Faith

Parents with children learning and growing together

Anne Hancock /

Ashley Moore

Sunday Mornings (9:30AM)

In Person

United Women of Faith

Adults of all life stages learning together

Elizabeth Mitchell



Our Journey on the Way

Traditional adult Sunday School

Ken Chadwick

Sunday Mornings

(9:30 AM)

In Person

Men’s Prayer Group

Adults of all life stages learning together

Clint Stretch

Wednesdays (7:30 AM)

In Person

Forever Family

Younger adults learning and playing

Sarah Campbell-Bethel


In Person

Men’s Small Group

Adults of all life stages learning together

David Bissette

1st Monday of each month (7:30PM)

In Person

Women’s Small Group

Adults of all life stages learning together

Denise Taylor

Wednesdays (7:00PM)


Forever family

Younger adult group

Forever Family is an eclectic group of younger adults who hang out and play games, eat, celebrate each other’s passions, help each other out in life, and talk about matters of faith and God. Married, single, with kids, without kids, with pets, without pets, doubting/questioning matters of our faith, or sure of most stuff, all are welcome to join us.

United Women in Faith

Fairlington United Women in Faith are women from different backgrounds and professions brought together by a common spiritual connection and a desire to be in mission with women, children and youth. We work together to serve our community, develop leadership skills, and promote spiritual growth. All women at FUMC are welcome to participate and join our monthly events as we seek to be Faith, Hope and Love in Action.

United Methodist Men

Connected in Faith.

Connected in Community

Connected in Action

The Fairlington United Methodist Men (FUMM) is a group open to all Methodist Men. The FUMM strives to declare the centrality of Christ in our life, to promote the spiritual growth of men through effective discipleship, and to model the servant leadership of Christ in our daily lives. FUMM resolves to make our activities varied and to achieve a positive impact on our Church and local community.

Fairlington United Methodist Men Leadership

President: Erik Lundquist

Treasurer: Scott Riley as FUMM 

Contact Adult Discipleship

For more information about adult discipleship opportunities at Fairlington, please email

Fairlington UMC

3900 King Street Alexandria VA 22302

(703)-671-8557 •

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